The Executor makes much account of personal information of the Consumers by using the Website, operated by the Executor. The Executor’s privacy policy (the "Policy") is set forth below.

The Executor asks its Consumers to check the Policy from time to time when he/she visits the Website, as the Policy may be amended pursuant to changes to the applicable laws, regulations and guidelines relating to the protection of personal information and changes in Executor’s policies.


    1. Website means a service of order and delivery posted on the Internet at Global BNC Shop, which provides the Consumer with the opportunity to place an Order for Goods and Delivery under the conditions provided in the Offer.

    2. Goods means products and services, the sale and delivery of which for the Consumer is carried out by the Supplier by placing the Order on the Website by the Consumer.

    3. Order " means an order of the Goods and Delivery executed by the Consumer on the Website, as a result of which the Consumer concludes an agreement on sale of the Goods and/or Delivery with the Supplier.

    4. Delivery means a delivery service for the Goods, the order of which the Consumer has placed on the Website, to the Consumer.

    5. Supplier means the BNC Global Co., Ltd. engaged in activities in the field of production or supply of Goods, selling Goods to the Consumers through the Website.

    6. Executor means the Expert Solutions Limited participating in the selling of the Supplier’s Goods to the Consumers of the Website when they place the Order./p>

    7. Consumer means an individual of 16 full years old or older, or legal entity that has provided personal information to register with the Website as a member to purchase Goods and Delivery, that entitled to use the Website provided by the Executor.

    8. ID means a combination of letters and numbers chosen by the Consumer, approved by and registered with the Executor, for purposes of identification and use of the Website.

    9. Password means a combination of letters and numbers chosen and registered with the Executor by the Consumer, to verify his/her identity and protect his/her rights, interests and confidential information.

    10. Personal Information means information that relates to living individuals and which can be used to identify specific individuals by name or other description (including that which can be easily combined with other information and thereby used to identify specific individuals).

    11. Recipient means an individual/legal entity indicated during the placing of the Order, as the addressee of the Goods. The Recipient of the Goods may be the Consumer or a third party specified by him/her during the placing of the Order.


    1. The Executor collects personal information to verify the identity of the Consumer and confirm his/her intent to use the Website to provide optimal custom-designed services to the Consumer. The Executor collects only the minimum information necessary to help a Consumer to use the Website, when the Consumer first signs up to be a member. The Executor may additionally collect information necessary for payment, delivery of Goods, refund and the like, following Consumer’s use of the Website.

    2. The Executor does not use the personal information for any purpose other than that set forth herein or disclose such information to any third party without the consent of the Consumer.

    3. The Executor collects and uses personal information for the following purposes described below:

      1. Recipient:

        1. Name, telephone/mobile number: for communications to facilitate transactions, confirm his/her intent, handle complaints, give updates on services and notifications, etc.;

        2. Name, telephone/mobile number, address of a recipient: to verify the destination for delivery of Goods and etc..:

      2. Consumer

        1. Name, telephone/mobile number, e-mail and address, ID, password: to the use of the Website;

        2. Name, telephone/mobile number, e-mail: for communications to facilitate transactions, confirm his/her intent, handle complaints, give updates on services and notifications, etc.;

    4. In the course of Consumer’s using the Website or transaction processing, the following information may be automatically generated and collected:

      1. IP address, date and time of visit, records of use of the Website: to prevent unauthorized use and misuse.

    5. In the case of collecting personal information of a Consumer, the Executor will collect the information with his/her consent, and will not collect information on race, origin, legal domicile of origin, religion, political disposition, criminal records, health condition and other information likely to infringe on the fundamental rights of the Consumer, unless upon the consent of the relevant individual or required by law.

    6. The Executor only allows people of age 16 and up to register as members.

    7. The Executor may collect personal information in the following manner:

      1. collection on/through the Website, in writing, by facsimile, by phone, through Consumer’s contacting a Customer Center, and through Consumer’s participating in an event; and

      2. automatic collection through tools to collect generated information.


    1. The Executor will use Consumers’ personal information only for the purposes and within the scope of use identified in the paragraph 2. The Executor will not use the personal information beyond such scope without the prior consent of the relevant Consumer, and as a general rule, it will not provide the information to any third party, except as set out below:

      1. if the relevant Consumer consents, in advance, to the disclosure or provision to a third party; or

      2. if required by law, or if requested by the law enforcement or competent authority pursuant to the procedures and methods of due process prescribed by applicable laws and regulations for the purpose of a criminal or other investigation.

    2. If placement of the Order and/or payment is made for a transaction through services provided by the Executor, it may provide the Supplier with relevant information to help the Supplier to carry out the transaction (including but not limited to Delivery), or to facilitate communications between the parties thereto (including but not limited to consultation), but in any event only to the extent necessary.

    3. If otherwise necessary to provide personal information to a third party, the Executor may provide personal information to or with a third party upon consent from Consumer through due process.


    1. As a general rule, the Executor retains and uses Consumer’s personal information and once the purposes of collection and use of the personal information are achieved, it is without delay destroyed (provided, however, that the personal information will be destroyed after 2 (Two) months from the date of termination of the Website User Agreement ("User Agreement") to prevent re-registration during the re-registration probation period). Further, the following information may be retained for such duration for such reasons as set out below:

      1. Retention pursuant to applicable laws and policies of the Executor If required to retain personal information pursuant to applicable laws, the Executor retains Consumer’s personal information for such duration as prescribed thereby, in which case the Executor will use the information solely for the purposes of retention based on relevant Acts:

        1. Records on contracts or withdrawal of offers and the like;

        2. Records on payment settlement and supply of Goods, etc.;

        3. Records on processing of Consumer disputes and complaints;

        4. Records on misbehaviors in the use of Website.

    2. The duration of retention/use of collected personal information will start from when the User Agreement is entered into (i.e., signing up for a membership) and end when the User Agreement is terminated (including, but not limited to, applying for withdrawal from the membership, and discretionary withdrawal/dismissal). Further, in the case of termination of the User Agreement upon mutual agreement, the Executor will without delay destroy all of the Consumer’s personal information other than contained in materials required to retain for a certain period in the afore-mentioned list for data retention, and will also instruct the Supplier and Executor’s third-party service providers to destroy the personal information provided to them for the outsourcing of data processing.

    3. Method of destruction: The Consumer’s personal information will be destroyed without delay if the purposes of collection and use of the personal information are achieved. If printed on paper, the Consumer’s personal information will be destroyed by shredding or otherwise and, if saved in the form of electronic files, the Consumer’s personal information will be destroyed by technical means making the records non reproducible.


    1. The Executor uses cookies to save and find information about the Consumers’ accounts in order to provide personally customized services to them. A cookie is a small text file of information about the basic setting of a website, sent by the website’s web server to the web browser of a user of the Website, and it is stored in the hard disc of the computer used by the Consumer.

    2. The Executor can provide the Consumer with particular customized services that can be possible only by use of cookies.

    3. The Executor may uses cookies to identify Consumers and recognize them remaining in a log-in status.

    4. The Consumer has an option to accept or refuse installation of cookies. Therefore, the Consumer can choose the options of his/her/its web browser to accept all cookies, to receive notice when cookies are installed, or to refuse all cookies.

    5. However, if the Consumer refuses cookies, the Consumer may not be able to access certain services provided by the Executor that require cookies.


    1. The Consumer may at any time access, check or correct his/her registered personal information at the relevant page of the Website. If the Consumer makes a request for checking or correction of it to the Executor in writing or by e-mail, it will take care of the Consumer’s request. As for information that was already provided to the Supplier and a third party, the Supplier and third party will be notified of the results of correction, so that the corrected information may apply as soon as the correction process is complete.

    2. The Consumer may at any time request to stop handling of his/her personal information at the Website; provided that in the following case, the Executor may refuse to satisfy Consumer’s request:

      1. if particularly prescribed by any law or regulation, or if the handling is inevitable to perform obligations in compliance with applicable law or regulation;

      2. if there is apprehension that life/body of any other person may be harmed or that the property and other interest of any other person may be unjustly infringed upon; or

      3. if, without handling the personal information, it is impossible to perform a contract with the Consumer (such as a contract for Delivery), where the Consumer has not expressly made it clear that he/she intends to terminate the contract.

    3. The Consumer may at any time withdraw his/her consent to the Executor’s collection, use, and provision of personal information (whether provided at the sign-up process or otherwise). The consent can be withdrawn by contacting the Executor in writing, by phone, by email or otherwise. At the Consumer’s request, the Executor will take necessary measures to handle withdrawal requests without delay; provided that, if required to keep in storage the Consumer’s personal information pursuant to applicable law, regulation or terms and conditions, handling of the Consumer’s withdrawal request may be restricted. In such case, the Consumer must disclose his/her member ID and personally identifiable information to verify his/her identity. Upon withdrawal, the Consumer’s use of the Website may be somewhat limited or the Website in part or wholly may be unavailable to the Consumer.


    1. The Consumer has obligations to protect his/her own personal information, and the Executor is in no event responsible for any issues or problems arising out of the leak of personal information caused by the Consumer’s own negligence (such as, transfer, lending or loss of his/her ID, Password, access medium, etc., leaving a PC without logging out, and the like), inherent problems in Internet (such as, vulnerability of browsers, hacking by use of such technology or method as cannot be prevented by security measures compliant with applicable laws and regulations) and the like, in each case, so long as it is not attributable to the Executor.

    2. The Consumer should keep his/her personal information up-to-date, and is solely responsible for any accidents arising out of his/her provision of inaccurate information.

    3. If the Consumer misappropriate another’s personal information, when signing up for a membership or placing an Order for Goods or Delivery, the Consumer may lose his/her membership and be subject to criminal sanctions.

    4. The Consumer is responsible to keep his/her ID, password etc. securely protected. The Consumer should not assign or lend any of them to a third party. The Consumer has obligations to cooperate with the Executor’s request to change his/her passwords regularly for security purposes pursuant to the Policy.

    5. After using the Website, the Consumer should log out from his/her account and close the web browser.

    6. The Consumer must comply with all laws and regulations concerning personal information.


    1. The Executor can provide the Consumer with links to another websites. However, this Policy is not applicable to such other websites’ collection of personal information.


    1. In handling Consumer’s personal information, the Executor takes the following technical/managerial safeguards to ensure his/her personal information secure from loss, theft, leak, falsification or destruction:

      1. Encryption of personal information: Consumer’s passwords will be, after one-way encryption, kept and managed, and only he/she who knows the passwords can check and modify his/her/its passwords.

      2. Anti-hacking measures: To prevent leak of Consumer’s personal information as a result of intrusion to Website’s information and communications networks, such as hacking, the hosting company operates intrusion detection and firewall systems for 24 hours a day.

      3. Minimization and training of personal information managers: The Executor limits the number of its employees who handle personal information to the minimum level necessary and impress on them the importance of protection of personal data through managerial safeguards, including but not limited to their training.


    1. The Executor exerts its best efforts to help Consumers use the Website safely. The Consumer can report any complaint on privacy issues in relation to the use of the Website, to the person in charge of managing the personal information, and the Executor will respond to the Consumer’s reports promptly and with sincerity.


    1. This Policy may be amended pursuant to the government’s policy or out of necessity of the Executor. Any addition, deletion or revision of this Policy will be notified in advance on the Website or by email at least 7 (Seven) days prior to the effective date, and if it is difficult to give prior notification, it will be notified subject to availability without delay; provided that if any material term (i.e., the purpose of collection and use of personal information, the third party to which personal information will be provided, etc.) is added, deleted or revised, such addition, deletion or revision will be notified in advance at least 30 (Thirty) days prior to the effective date that the Policy as amended will take effect 30 (Thirty) days from the date of notification. In addition, in case where any content to which requires the Executor to obtain from Consumer a separate consent to any consent item (i.e., the collection and use of personal information, provision of personal information to a third party, etc.) under applicable law or regulation is added or changed, it will obtain a separate consent from him/her pursuant to the applicable law or regulation.

Date of Notification: January 11, 2023

Effective Date: February 11, 2023

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